Historical Information Needed!
Over the past several months, volunteers have donated their own time on Wednesdays to build a collection of local news, obituaries and photos. Currently, Fort Vance is organizing the collection into books that show a story of everyday life. The books we are currently working on are:
- Period photos and articles for each local town
- The Burgettstown Fair 1856-1936
- Civil War Letters
- William S. Bradley, Sons of Veterans - Camp 96 - Burgettstown
- Burgettstown American Legion
- Burgettstown Post Office
- Local Advertisements from 1900 to the present day
- School Sports
- Adult Sports
- The Lee and Martin Funeral Home Directory
- Area Churches
- Group School Photos
We need your help though to make these book more complete. We will accept or scan photos, biographies, family tree information, event programs, area newspapers prior to 1930, and any other local information you might consider sharing.
Until the digitization is complete, the books are available for viewing in the Fort Vance Historical Room, inside the Burgettstown Community Library, every Wednesday from Noon-7pm, or by appointment. For more information, contact Debbie Vraninin:
vraninin@aol.com or 724-947-5441.
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers are need by the Fort Vance Historical Society to aid with the collecting and organization of historical material.
Currently, the group is meeting each Wednesday in the Burgettstown Community Library.
Volunteers can choose their hours to volunteer between the hours of Noon and 7 PM on Wednesdays.
For more information, contact Debbie Vraninin: vraninin@aol.com OR 724-947-5441.

New Members!
The Fort Vance Historical Society is always looking for new members, and we've love to have you join us!
Click here to download a membership form. Or if you'd you like more information, please contact Debbie Vraninin: vraninin@aol.com OR 724-947-5441.